Innovation is essential for lowering costs and achieving greater access to healthcare services to promote human health. Improvement in regulations, as well as financial and technological barriers must be overcome to make advancements in the nation’s medical future a reality.
Life Sciences

Agricultural Biotech

Healthcare Innovation

When the Fix Is In, Patients Lose
Last year, many statehouses across the country looked to address a growing consumer issue broadly known as “right to repair.” Now with legislative sessions kicking off in more than 40 states across the country, this policy looks like it will continue to stay at the...
When the Fix Is In, Patients Lose
Last year, many statehouses across the country looked to address a growing consumer issue broadly known as “right to repair.” Now with legislative sessions kicking off in more than 40 states across the country, this policy looks like it will continue to stay at the...
IEA Signs Coalition Letter on Inflation Reduction Act Prescription Drug Price Controls
Dear Members of Congress, When the Inflation Reduction Act was passed and signed into law a year ago, the legislation granted the federal government broad power to set and control the price of certain prescription drugs through a new Medicare price negotiation program...
The Health Tech We Knew We Needed but Never Got Around to Having
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, physicians say, by a margin of 2 to 1, that the increased use of heath information technology is a positive for overall quality of care. As has been demonstrated on multiple occasions, infusing technology in healthcare can...